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Hell Creek Dino Vertebrae


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Looking for a little help identifying some Hell Creek dinosaur vertebrae.  When I purchased these they were described as Struthiomimus and Dromaeosaur, but I don't think those ID's are correct.  I think I know what most of them are (the dinosaur anatomy 101 post by @troodon was very helpful), but I'm still unsure on a few.  I also thought posting this might help others when it comes to identifying hell creek verts.


So I think these 8 are Thescelosaurus caudal verts.  They're all fairly chunky and most have a well defined ridge in the middle of the centrum.



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Then finally there's these two.  I haven't a clue what these are, but my best guess is Dromaeosaur or Tyrannosaur?


I wouldn't be surprised if I've got every one wrong of course.



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All of these look like distal caudal vertebrae.


Some reference for T. rex



Some reference for Dromaeosaurids.


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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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Think most of them are Thescelosaurus with a few Struthiomimus.  The ones with the ridge in the middle of the centrum are Thescelosaurus.   



this one looks Struthie



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Thank you for those references!  Based on those, I'm pretty sure the right hand vert in the last few pics is a Dromaeosaur vertebra.  Still have no idea what the left hand one is though. 

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