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Two Different Ammos


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first one is from strata reworked from morocco to a rock shop in brewster county, texas. not sure. i'm thinkin' of sending it to canada to have it buried and dug up again to make furtherly questionable the true nature of its iridescence. no idea which paleosquid it was.

second piece of ammo looks suspiciously like it's "worked" material. kinda looks worked into the shape of a .45 acp round, which, combined with the fact that it still has original matrix on it and was found in the finis shale of north texas, leads me to believe that i need to contact somebody who wants to be rich to write up the paper on how guys were blastin' each other approximately 299,999,902 years ago, which is quite a while before current scientists have admitted, and might well be a clue in establishing that the dinosaurs going paws up had more to do with cartel activity than previously thought...


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<ever try to stuff squid into a banana clip?>

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The ammonite looks very much like the ones from Madagascar. I have a couple of those, the nacre is well preserved on them. I have no idea which specie they are though, would appreciate enlightenment however. :)

The 45 is likely left over from an inter - dino gang street fight of some kind, probably from what they used to call a "zip gun".

I imagine that stuffing squid into a banana clip would be much like stuffing bananas into a squid clip only slipperier. :blink:

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If anyone finds themselves near Kingman, AZ, across the main drag from the airport is a big, empty field with well-worn tracks cut into the desert that will lead you to a WWII training area.

There, you'll find tens of thousands of .50 cal machine gun bullets, both tracers and armor-piercing.

post-1880-12570059111419_thumb.jpg post-1880-12570058950265_thumb.jpg

There were little circular railways set up that allowed gunners to sit in a gondola-like structure and practice firing into earthen banks. The guns they used were so worn that there is no trace of rifling on the bullets.

However, some of the bullets in the dirt were struck by other bullets, making for some pretty impressive effects.


That core in the middle was extremely hardened steel. I use one of them for a center punch. Not bad for something that's been laying out in the open for 60 years, huh?


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Tracer......The ammonite I think is Cleoniceras besairiei..... I noticed a couple for sale on a Britsh fossil website.... hope this helps....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Is it safe to be handling old bullets carefree?I would freak a little if I started finding that stuff.Can they explode?Digging in the ground and hitting them with tools has got to be bad.

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Is it safe to be handling old bullets carefree?I would freak a little if I started finding that stuff.Can they explode?Digging in the ground and hitting them with tools has got to be bad.

this old junk is absolutely harmless! nothing whatsoever to worry about! look <tink. tink. tink> BLAM!!

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Is it safe to be handling old bullets carefree?I would freak a little if I started finding that stuff.Can they explode?Digging in the ground and hitting them with tools has got to be bad.

It don't happen that often like only 3 or 4 times in 20 years to me

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

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but seriously. um, obviously, ammo and "bullets" are very different from ordnance, especially "uxo", which is "unexploded ordnance". the cartridge i showed is probably about a fifty-year-old cartridge. maybe 60. i can't remember if i could read the headstamp or not. the bullet in the cartridge is inert. there is a smokeless, nitro-based powder and a fulminate- or styphnate-based primer. i am aware that old dynamite had a bad habit of becoming unstable due to the nitro sweating out of the diatomaceous earth, but i've never heard of old pistol cartridges becoming unstable from being left out in the elements for half a century. actually, i would suspect the priming is no longer functional. but regardless, i wasn't going to whack it with a hammer. in my opinion, the most dangerous thing in my house, other than tj, is my gas heating and stove. and the cat.

as far as the .50 bmg projectiles pictured, there were actually some made that were incendiary and armor-piercing/incendiary, but they would not normally have been used in training. most of the projectiles would just be steel-cored ball rounds, and the rest would be tracers with the phosphorus composition very substantially weathered after all the decades.

i'm not saying everything's harmless, but i still believe that the most dangerous thing i do, as far as probabilities go, is drive my car and eat fried foods.

edit: it has been brought to my attention that somebody pretending to be me posted the above. i hereby disavow any and all associations with said individual and assert and aver that any ammo, even a bb, found on the aged ground should be completely left alone and probably reported to every alphabet agency known. the stuff can be dangerous and shoot your eyes out. guns don't kill people. ammo does.

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jax -

this video's for you - turn up the sound...

:lolu: :lolu: :lolu: :lolu:

I have seen that before. Theres a longer one on there that shows like 20 guys shooting that gun, and only one can hold onto it! Its worth a good laugh

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years ago i let an acquaintance shoot a particularly bad gun and he fired it and then turned around and hit me.

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