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Fruit With Bite Marks?

Nick Yiu

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:) Please allow me to re-introduce an old material for the benifit of those who hadn't heard of this thing.

This is about a brownish stone showing whatlike uniformed toothmarks on one end, and a milky whiteness of exposed interior on the other.

As prints promenently shows the origin from a tooth. I concluded, Object is most likely a remnant of food devoured by a plant eating animal fossilized into Medussa-effect simmilar to Willo, the Dinosaur with fossilized Heart.post-2295-12570725833208_thumb.jpgpost-2295-12570726101329_thumb.jpg

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It's a stone. I really suggest that you look into fossilisation processes before you keep jumping to conclusions, based on what you think it looks like. Soft-tissue rarely fossils, and when it does, it's never as 3-dimensional as that.

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I can feel your desire to find some serious fossils, Nick, and I admire your imagination a lot. I can see what you are talking about, but this is another case of what we call "serendipity", or chance. I must agree with THobern that it is only a rock though, and not a fossil fruit. There are some very good fossil books out there that are full of information about fossils and finding fossils. You should try and get a couple and read through them. Also, use the Internet to look up where fossils can be found near you and what kind of fossils are there to find. This will aide you in finding actual fossils. :)

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Nike as THobern suggests you need to research how fossilization happens so you will have a better under standing. Like the last time you posted it, its still just a rock. Every fossil collector has found thing they thought to be something it was not. Sometimes its hard to accept that what you have is just a rock or a piece of coral, but that is what you have. You are hunting a place rich in corals and other things of interest, instead of jumping to conclusions you need to research what has been found in your area.

Remember sometimes a rock is just a rock

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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OK. I did a quick search and came up with a couple of articles and a bit of bad news as well. First, the links:

http://english.sina.com/technology/p/1/2006/1019/92340.html This is about a type of buffalo fossil.

EDIT: McAffee sent me a warning about the second site so I have removed this link, sorry.

http://growthrevolutionmag.wordpress.com/2009/09/23/fossil-evident-biodiversity-wealth/ This looks like a good article to read on fossils where you live.

http://www.botanicus.org/primeocr/botanicus7/b1169273x/31753002580576/31753002580576_0227.txt A short article by a decent scientist that should give you some more pointers.

Now the bad news....there are very few fossils in your area for you to find, no matter how hard you search for them, no matter how much you want to find some. Any that you do find will take a long time and hard looking to get, but they are there to be found with effort. If you want more fossils real quickly, you will likely have to buy them and have them sent to you. We here can help you with that if you want, let us know. :)

Edited by Bear
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Thanks for the effort. Yes, as often I was told that soft tissues won't fossilized, much less to be stone. And I guessed I'm wrong, but often,i'm sorry to held out with this belief that GOD works mysteriously and beyond man's understanding.

I'm just sharing my view. I hope i didn't sound offending anyone, my sincere apology.

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OK. I did a quick search and came up with a couple of articles and a bit of bad news as well. First, the links:

http://english.sina.com/technology/p/1/2006/1019/92340.html This is about a type of buffalo fossil.

EDIT: McAffee sent me a warning about the second site so I have removed this link, sorry.

http://growthrevolutionmag.wordpress.com/2009/09/23/fossil-evident-biodiversity-wealth/ This looks like a good article to read on fossils where you live.

http://www.botanicus.org/primeocr/botanicus7/b1169273x/31753002580576/31753002580576_0227.txt A short article by a decent scientist that should give you some more pointers.

Now the bad news....there are very few fossils in your area for you to find, no matter how hard you search for them, no matter how much you want to find some. Any that you do find will take a long time and hard looking to get, but they are there to be found with effort. If you want more fossils real quickly, you will likely have to buy them and have them sent to you. We here can help you with that if you want, let us know. :)

:) Dear Bear,

Thanks for the effort., I'm not really hunting fossils or fancying anything. It's just that i accidentally stumble upon those rocks, maybe something for the purpose of bringing about GOD's mysteries way.

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:) Dear Bear,

Thanks for the effort., I'm not really hunting fossils or fancying anything. It's just that i accidentally stumble upon those rocks, maybe something for the purpose of bringing about GOD's mysteries way.

I thought these posts of Nick's were heading this way.

KOF, Bill.

Welcome to the forum, all new members

www.ukfossils check it out.

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If you want to duck out with, "God's [work is]...beyond man's understanding", that certainly also extends to your interpretations.

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Greetings Nick, and you are most welcome. Keep looking, you will find fossils where you are walking sometime. :)

Our world is a very large and mysterious place. Many of those mysteries are more like puzzles though, that we can understand if we try. I like to try, but then, I am a Buddhist and not religious at all. I see no ghost in the machine, there is no need for one. To say this another way, I do not believe in spirits of any kind or size (this includes gods or souls), as Occam's Razor suggests there is simply no need for such to explain what we experience. I understand that others believe differently and have no trouble with that.

Fossils are the sparse remains of creatures that lived many millions of years ago. That I can go out for a walk and just find the remains of a creature that died millions and millions of years ago laying on the ground is wonderful and amazing to me. It makes me feel connected to all of the life that has gone before. The mystery and wonder of this world, this life, the people, the creatures that I am fortunate enough to share this with - all of this is enough for me. I do not need magic or an afterlife to make it OK for me, it is fine as it is. :D

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Greetings Nick, and you are most welcome. Keep looking, you will find fossils where you are walking sometime. :)

Our world is a very large and mysterious place. Many of those mysteries are more like puzzles though, that we can understand if we try. I like to try, but then, I am a Buddhist and not religious at all. I see no ghost in the machine, there is no need for one. To say this another way, I do not believe in spirits of any kind or size (this includes gods or souls), as Occam's Razor suggests there is simply no need for such to explain what we experience. I understand that others believe differently and have no trouble with that.

Fossils are the sparse remains of creatures that lived many millions of years ago. That I can go out for a walk and just find the remains of a creature that died millions and millions of years ago laying on the ground is wonderful and amazing to me. It makes me feel connected to all of the life that has gone before. The mystery and wonder of this world, this life, the people, the creatures that I am fortunate enough to share this with - all of this is enough for me. I do not need magic or an afterlife to make it OK for me, it is fine as it is. :D

Dear Bear,

Thanks again., It's heart warming to know that you're a budhist, I too am once before, then to Christianity until 1999 when i felt a spirit awakens my sleepy heart, and change me into something spiritual, a rebirth to new my Third faith and new understanding..., I'm dishearten to note that you're not this closed to believed in GOD.., To the contrary, I was grilled in means of spiritual purification that burns my intire being. Physically and emotionally, i suffered more pains than Job(Bible), but it's the least a sacrifice for a promising spiritual gains on the other end...., I sees many dreams that comes to passed.

Yeah, I agree our world is large for all of us to see and know. For instance, not all of us can perfectly details the sceneries and what lies beneath our coastal waters or even the very ground we stood. The mystery is just beyond....,

You might want to know, i didn't had a hard time collecting the materials. In-fact, I even found unusual meteorites, Triasic era Armored mud balls and rare minerals along with it. It all just lies there, ignored by thousands of people visiting the place year round. Maybe, it's a gift or maybe my inner senses stands-out or blessed with this kind of deeper interpretation. Whatever, All my Thanks be to GOD for unvealing the mysteries.

Thanks for sharing your time and experienced. Nice to be your acquaintance. Best regards, Nick

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I was raised as a Christian, but went another way when the time was right. I have no need to convince anyone else to think like I do though, we should all have our beliefs as we want them.

I am glad to make your acquaintance too, Nick, it is nice talking with you. :)

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Dear Bear,

Thanks for taking me in...., When i was a kid, I'm really wild. My Parents and all eight elder sibblings coudn't subject me to their will. Despite the day to day whipping at home and at budhist school, but being stone headed they says, I really wouldn't change, until in mid-1975, I had a near fatal accident that touched my life for good..., And from that time on, I had spiritual vision; GOD changed my waywardness overnight....

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To all,

I am very pleased that the tone of this discussion has remained respectful and cordial.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Yes,things can get a bit touch when dealing with ones beliefs...


Thank you All. Your unusually kind understanding give me strenght to pursue the course in sharing more informations related to my mysterious find.

I'd be posting other mysterious materials shortly, and please be patient with me.

Thank you.

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I also was beat up quite a bit when I was young, so I can relate to that, Nick. Child abuse is one of the very top problems we human beings face right now. It can send a good person to the bad side. I am glad that you have found a measure of peace after a hard upbringing.

It is unfortunate that folks have a difficult time speaking with on another about personal topics without getting angry and saying mean things. It is my belief that starting from a base of love, compassion and a desire to understand another's perspective makes this much easier for all concerned.

I like to get along with pretty much everyone, if at all possible. :D

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I also was beat up quite a bit when I was young, so I can relate to that, Nick. Child abuse is one of the very top problems we human beings face right now. It can send a good person to the bad side. I am glad that you have found a measure of peace after a hard upbringing.

It is unfortunate that folks have a difficult time speaking with on another about personal topics without getting angry and saying mean things. It is my belief that starting from a base of love, compassion and a desire to understand another's perspective makes this much easier for all concerned.

I like to get along with pretty much everyone, if at all possible. :D

Hi Bear,

Yeah! I agrees with you that on the present and on some basis, child abused is in-deed prevalent on some third world household, where extreme poverty forced the parents to send their child into slavery.

In my case however, I learnt my lessons, and through it I realized I become better than I was before.., Through suffering, thus we acquired perfections, just as gold need to be purified with fire to attain the desired purity. My only regrets is that my father didn't lived long enough to see the perfectness he desired of me.

And yes, we get along and understand each other well. Thanks also for taking me along the growing list of your friends.

On matter relating the mysteries of the stones. I'm sorry that my foresights on this unheard fossilation may had caused momentary stir within. My aim was to introduce this new discovery to help promote further understanding of the diverse atmosphere that causes such stone at that particular place and time.

With all my best, Nick

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It was Pope John Paul in 1996 who said that Evolution was not necessarily incompatable with Genesis.

While an Atheist, I do respect the conviction of faith as a personal choice. I would suggest that if you are interested in the miracles of your God, then study (as recomended by several here) would give you a better understanding of those miracles that lay on the earth around you. I think you will find that (though they might not all be fossils) that their creation is just as wonderful. :D

Be true to the reality you create.

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Guest Smilodon

To all,

I am very pleased that the tone of this discussion has remained respectful and cordial.

That's only because I haven't bothered to join this thread, but I've been verrrrrry tempted.

I'll go now.

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That's only because I haven't bothered to join this thread, but I've been verrrrrry tempted.

I'll go now.

:lolu: :lolu: :lolu:

Watching is fun at times

Galveston Island 32 miles long 2 miles wide 134 bars 23 liquor stores any questions?

Evolution is Chimp Change.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain!

"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

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...It is unfortunate that folks have a difficult time speaking with on another about personal topics without getting angry and saying mean things. It is my belief that starting from a base of love, compassion and a desire to understand another's perspective makes this much easier for all concerned.

I like to get along with pretty much everyone, if at all possible. :D

This is a very good way of thinking Bear. If only more people thought that way toward everone we could have discussions like this on the forum. However, as a reminder to all, we do try to stay away from such topics as religous views on this forum as the rules state. Most people are emotionally intwined with their views and when they differ conflict may come. So lets avoid that and get back to talking fossils ;)

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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That's only because I haven't bothered to join this thread, but I've been verrrrrry tempted.

I'll go now.

And you've done a nice job of it. :P

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