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Thanks guys for all the help this is one of the coolest fossil I have found from this area Dinos in NorthCarolina this is not found that often but Dino fossil do show up from North Carolina I have a speical place to put this find it is cool because of the jaw section still attached Auspex I will put it in the find of the month area also .............thanks guys

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<calling after ozzy> wait! you forgot your pith helmet! you know, it really isn't all that often when you're hangin' out with somebody and they get up, get their pistol and their flashlight, and tell you they'll be back - they're going out to get some hadrosaur teeth...

fairly exotic stuff goin' on. i might have to pull out that bigfoot calcaneus i found and post it to divert some of the drama here...

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...I will put it in the find of the month area also...

Ya' might think about changing your name to dinodentist while you're at it...

For all you folks in Alberta (where you seem to be tripping over this stuff just walking the dog), this is a BIG DEAL in the Mid-Atlantic! I don't even know what species of Hadrosaurs are known from this side if the Interior Seaway...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Thanks guys this is a 1st for me DINO in North Carolina never found any DINO stuff before ready to skip work and go back this weekend.

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congrats to both of you on a ridiculously awesome find! that is really great. also kudos to xiphactinus for a good ID!

:jig: :jig: :jig: :jig: :jig: :jig:

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Bro its too dark and cold to look it over tonight Ill go back in the morning but heres another tooth post-2185-12572153299249_thumb.jpgpost-2185-12572153507839_thumb.jpgpost-2185-12572153710349_thumb.jpg

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Albert Einstein

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<whispering to himself> edentulous, edentulous, edentulous, edentulous...

i am so going to use this word in conversation every freaking chance i get!

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<calling after ozzy> wait! you forgot your pith helmet! you know, it really isn't all that often when you're hangin' out with somebody and they get up, get their pistol and their flashlight, and tell you they'll be back - they're going out to get some hadrosaur teeth...

fairly exotic stuff goin' on. i might have to pull out that bigfoot calcaneus i found and post it to divert some of the drama here...

Last time I saw someone grab a pistol and flashlight to go out in the middle of the night was when Josh Brolin went to give that half dead guy stuck in the pickup a gallon of water in 'No Country For Old Men.'

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