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Baby dinosaurs

Kimberly RM

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Welcome to the forum!  I think you have some nice rocks here, probably limestone.  While you have dinosaur footprints nearby you (Dinosaur Valley St. Park), these I'm afraid are just rocks some which could have fragments of fossils in them, but I cant really tell from the pictures.  Happy hunting!!

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Wow I looked at this chart and they matched??  Not necessarily the ones that I sent you in the first picture but I have 1 million of these! And they match that Charts. I just have some of them upside down or backwards



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While the shapes may superficially match, your items look like rock, and not fossilized bone. 


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   VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png    VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015       MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg        IPFOTM -- MAY - 2024   IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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39 minutes ago, Kimberly RM said:

Wow I looked at this chart and they matched??  Not necessarily the ones that I sent you in the first picture but I have 1 million of these! And they match that Charts.


Welcome to TFF.  A passing similarity to the shape of published dinosaur bones is not all it takes to be identified as one.  Fossil bones have other identifiable characteristics, like texture and surface features.  


Look at your pieces under magnification to see if you can spot any smaller fossils.

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The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Thank you... that makes sense.. actually no it doesn’t! To be perfectly honest I’m very very sad right now. .I’m obviously over my head ..I need to try to find an expert to come out and at least help me get started. I have worked so hard on this and I’m actually devastated. 

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Post some photos of your "best" single find and we might be able to help you get back on track.  

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The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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This is just a few of course what I have hauled  up to my garage...I can’t even get a picture to attach now! What a sad day this is turned into

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5 minutes ago, Kimberly RM said:

Thank you... that makes sense.. actually no it doesn’t! To be perfectly honest I’m very very sad right now. .I’m obviously over my head ..I need to try to find an expert to come out and at least help me get started. I have worked so hard on this and I’m actually devastated. 

It always difficult to have your hopes dashed but it take time and experience to get your eye in when fossil hunting. So don’t be to sad just get back out when you can . It is always good to go with a guide when starting out as a fossil hunter. To know what to look for  , the little signs and shapes that you can miss without an experienced eye. Good luck and all the best Bobby 

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15 minutes ago, Kimberly RM said:

Thank you... that makes sense.. actually no it doesn’t! To be perfectly honest I’m very very sad right now. .I’m obviously over my head ..I need to try to find an expert to come out and at least help me get started. I have worked so hard on this and I’m actually devastated. 

I'm sorry that you are disappointed, but that can commonly be the case when we start out. You're in the right place to learn more about everything pertaining to fossils, from understanding geologic formations, preservation, paleo-environments, the flora and fauna of the past, to collecting gear, tips, display, and even preparation. The learning curve can be very steep, but very rewarding, as it is a lifelong journey. :) The more you learn, the more successful the hunt. 


As a first step, you may want to look into joining a local rock/fossil club in your area -- not only will you be able to obtain more information and meet up with likeminded enthusiasts, but they can also tell you so much more about the fossils that can be found in your area (if not also being able to go on club trips together). 

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...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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To find dino bones in Texas is so rare. I have been looking for dino bones for decades.but yet to find one.

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Hey, what part of Texas are you finding these? Location is everything as much of Texas is too young or too old for dinosaurs. Luckily the middle is the right age although as pointed out bones are exceedingly rare.

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3 hours ago, Kimberly RM said:

Thank you... that makes sense.. actually no it doesn’t! To be perfectly honest I’m very very sad right now. .I’m obviously over my head ..I need to try to find an expert to come out and at least help me get started. I have worked so hard on this and I’m actually devastated. 

:( I’ve been in your shoes. The first couple of years of what I call “my fossil journey” had been on my own. I didn’t have any friends, acquaintances, or buddies who were interested in fossils like I was. No one to bounce ideas off of, or to help with understanding what I found, or the information I was reading. It was a lonely road for a while. Full of struggles and frustrations. Things I thought I knew turned out to be misinformation more than once. 


Then I found this forum with its wonderful community! I now have the sense of camaraderie that I was missing. I have found people that are like minded and who want to teach as much as learn. Even though I have never met any of them face to face (yet... ;)) I still consider many of them to be, dare I say, friends. 


I encourage you to hang around! You will learn all that you ever wanted to know and then some. We may disappoint sometimes by telling you something you were not expecting to hear, (I still get disappointed from time to time...) but the GOOD that is TFF far out weighs any disappointment that we may inadvertently cause.


If we are not told about our errors so that we can correct them, how will we ever learn? At least we try to do it with a smile! :) 

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The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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I would add, while your objects dont seem to be fossils, before you "stay" disappointed, think about the excitment of discovery you had when you found them. No one can take that away...And as you learn and move into actual fossils, you will still have times you get really excited about something, only to discover it is not what you thought, or so common as to be a toss away....While there is pleasure in looking over my collection, in all honesty, the coolist thing about all the pieces I found, were the memories of collecting. So while part of your trip was a "miss" there is no reason not to remain excited. Add some knowledge and  your are well on your way. Congrats for joining what I find to be an encouraging, helpful group of people in a forum that is run really well. 


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21 hours ago, erose said:

Hey, what part of Texas are you finding these? Location is everything as much of Texas is too young or too old for dinosaurs. Luckily the middle is the right age although as pointed out bones are exceedingly rare.

 I am having a really hard time figuring out how to work this website !! I’m in 47 and I am a country girl through and through which means I love being outside I don’t enjoy computers and  I am electronically impaired! I want to answer and talk and I want to put up pictures but I cannot figure out how to do this hopefully this is right! I live in Glen Rose Texas which is  fairly  in the middle! I have some pictures I want y’all to see and they might be dinosaur bones and fossils on the bone???  I lick everyone of these items after I wash them in water with vinegar, and if it’s slick I know it’s a rock and if it’s porous I figured fossil or bone. So for three or four months I hand picked them, put them in my little wagon, and walked them back to my garage from  anywhere on my 13 acre little mini ranch. I figured out which area had a ton of Devils claws ;?I figured out which area had all of those little miniature things that completely match the big ones’!!" I Figured out we’re all  The exotic looking for big items were so if I had extra energy and felt strong that’s where I started or I could go have a lazy day and go to the miniature section! I had all this figured out and I had such big plans for all of these!! each and everyone of them are well loved and cared for ! Just yesterday I actually could look at an item and say “hey that is A Prego, a heart, a middle finger, a birds beak, and a couple more. I didn’t know the actual names of them so I made them up just so I could  start some piles and get them in the same box because I wanted to sell them and donate them to museums and of course keep some for myself and give some out as gifts ...I have a really hard time and crack in the books in sitting inside and study and when I could be out on my pasture land  hunting for these gems sun up to sun down and that’s no joke and sometimes throughout the night LOL... I just rather be outside than inside so I take everything a step at a time and four months  later I decided to learn  they’re real name!  None of my friends nor my husband or kids dig what I’m into with my fossils and rocks and bones  so I am a one man show all the way around! And I love it . it’s hard work but I absolutely love it and it is lonely and I hope to be able to find a group around here that enjoy it but it is kind of a solitary thing if you ask me ??? It’s where I do all my thinking .,,out in the field .LOL  Plus I don’t have to listen to anybody stay hurry up Ki, where are you going Kim, why are you bringing that little shovel Kim, really another box of rocks mom? Please don’t play with your rocks when my friends come over it’s embarrassing, and they go on and on and on. And I don’t like hearing it so I enjoy my solitary activity .  My best friend was so happy yesterday when I showed up crying and drinking beer because she said I maybe you’ll be done with this iand we could actually visit now and I thought I was going to punch her in the face but it shows how much they despise it and I love it. So  I put my big girl britches on today,  regrouped, and looked for items that had noticeable fossils on them. Of course I drag some home to the garage that’s probably never going to go away. hopefully I can get these pictures were everyone can see what else I have ???I want to thank y’all for your kind words, your advice, your wisdom and let’s “rock this”.....no I mean let’s “bone this” LOL ..HOW DO I MINIMIZE A PIC SO IT WILL DOWNLOAD???

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54 minutes ago, Kimberly RM said:

 I am having a really hard time figuring out how to work this website !! I’m in 47 and I am a country girl through and through which means I love being outside I don’t enjoy computers and  I am electronically impaired! I want to answer and talk and I want to put up pictures but I cannot figure out how to do this hopefully this is right! I live in Glen Rose Texas which is  fairly  in the middle! I have some pictures I want y’all to see and they might be dinosaur bones and fossils on the bone???  I lick everyone of these items after I wash them in water with vinegar, and if it’s slick I know it’s a rock and if it’s porous I figured fossil or bone. So for three or four months I hand picked them, put them in my little wagon, and walked them back to my garage from  anywhere on my 13 acre little mini ranch. I figured out which area had a ton of Devils claws ;?I figured out which area had all of those little miniature things that completely match the big ones’!!" I Figured out we’re all  The exotic looking for big items were so if I had extra energy and felt strong that’s where I started or I could go have a lazy day and go to the miniature section! I had all this figured out and I had such big plans for all of these!! each and everyone of them are well loved and cared for ! Just yesterday I actually could look at an item and say “hey that is A Prego, a heart, a middle finger, a birds beak, and a couple more. I didn’t know the actual names of them so I made them up just so I could  start some piles and get them in the same box because I wanted to sell them and donate them to museums and of course keep some for myself and give some out as gifts ...I have a really hard time and crack in the books in sitting inside and study and when I could be out on my pasture land  hunting for these gems sun up to sun down and that’s no joke and sometimes throughout the night LOL... I just rather be outside than inside so I take everything a step at a time and four months  later I decided to learn  they’re real name!  None of my friends nor my husband or kids dig what I’m into with my fossils and rocks and bones  so I am a one man show all the way around! And I love it . it’s hard work but I absolutely love it and it is lonely and I hope to be able to find a group around here that enjoy it but it is kind of a solitary thing if you ask me ??? It’s where I do all my thinking .,,out in the field .LOL  Plus I don’t have to listen to anybody stay hurry up Ki, where are you going Kim, why are you bringing that little shovel Kim, really another box of rocks mom? Please don’t play with your rocks when my friends come over it’s embarrassing, and they go on and on and on. And I don’t like hearing it so I enjoy my solitary activity .  My best friend was so happy yesterday when I showed up crying and drinking beer because she said I maybe you’ll be done with this iand we could actually visit now and I thought I was going to punch her in the face but it shows how much they despise it and I love it. So  I put my big girl britches on today,  regrouped, and looked for items that had noticeable fossils on them. Of course I drag some home to the garage that’s probably never going to go away. hopefully I can get these pictures were everyone can see what else I have ???I want to thank y’all for your kind words, your advice, your wisdom and let’s “rock this”.....no I mean let’s “bone this” LOL ..HOW DO I MINIMIZE A PIC SO IT WILL DOWNLOAD???

Licking rocks, even clean ones, is not a great test of anything. 

It just means the material is somewhat porous, and will adhere to your tongue because of that. 

Devil's Toenails  (aka Gryphaea) are a marine fossil, and therefore indicative of an oceanic environment.  You should expect to find more sea shells, ammonites, maybe fish fossils, crabs and sea urchins.

Dinosaur fossils from marine environments are not unheard of, but neither are they common. Something to keep in mind when seeing fanciful shapes in the rocks. ;) 

It is easy to fall victim to Pariedolia We are wired to see shapes and patterns.  Try not to let it get the best of you. 


Learn about the geology of the area, and what fossils you can find. Join a local Paleontological club, and you can meet like minded people who share your enthusiasm, and can learn what can be found in your area by them. 

Online photo editors  are one way to resize your photos. You are allowed 4 MB per post.

You could also try to email them to yourself, and they may get resized automatically. 

I use a free photo editor called Photoscape, to edit all of my pictures. It is easy and intuitive to use. 


I hope this helps out some. Best of luck to you. :) 

We hope to see more of your actual fossil finds here soon.




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   VFOTM.png.f1b09c78bf88298b009b0da14ef44cf0.png    VFOTM  --- APRIL - 2015       MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png      PaleoPartner.png.30c01982e09b0cc0b7d9d6a7a21f56c6.png.a600039856933851eeea617ca3f2d15f.png     Postmaster1.jpg.900efa599049929531fa81981f028e24.jpg        IPFOTM -- MAY - 2024   IPFOTM5.png.fb4f2a268e315c58c5980ed865b39e1f.png

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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Never be disappointed coz even if u think you found nothing, you actually gained knowledge and experience, which will enable you further on to be more likely to spot a fossil or something important.  Also, prevent you from carrying home many kilos of useless suggestively shaped charred limestone (personal experience). 

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Welcome and please don't feel sad or be discouraged! You live in one of the most fossiliferous (and beautiful) areas of the great State of Texas! There are some fantastically well preserved gastropod shells, ammonites, serpulid worm tubes, neithea scallops, deer heart steinkerns, and so much more. 

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 Oh I definitely have so much more! I have a ton of fossils!!! Thank you so much for those kind words!  I think I will go back and re-organize into the different types of fossils. What part of Texas are you in? 

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On 10/2/2019 at 4:01 PM, JohnJ said:

Post some photos of your "best" single find and we might be able to help you get back on track.  



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