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Please Authentify And Id This Trilobite


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Hi all,

I'm new to collecting fossils and dont have many, just a couple i got from Peru.

So, here's the deal. Im worried because i knew there are many fakes around, and i would like to know what you people think about this particular trilobite, and the sub-class among trilobites.

Pictures to come. It may take a while.. :)


Edited by Santiago
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Hi Santiago,

Welcome to the Forum.

I think you are in the posession of a trilobite named Metacryphaeus venustus, in addition to that I think it is more likely this fossil is from the locality "Sica Sica" in Bolivia, instead of from Peru. I do believe this specimen is authentic.

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Not trilobites but my fossils display, with 2 ammonites and one petrified wood. Hope you like them.

If anybody can ID the ammonites, that would be great too! I have more pics of them if you need.

By the way, yes, i made the wood case especially for them. Just with a carpenter, some wood paint, and a glass on top, retractible. They are "resting" in pieces of moquette. :)


Edited by Santiago
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Woops, I am sorry.

Apparently Metacryphaeus venustus was renamed to Eldredgeia venustus in Wolfart (1968).. A bit confusing.

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Hi!! Thanks for the welcome!!

Wow that is great, you made my day!

I was worried the members would think it has the "no-no" bubbles, but, taking a close look at the fossil with a loupe, they aren't bubbles, nothing like the fake tutorials i've seen online.

Well, regarding where they took it from..i was very certain its from Peru since the person who bought these for me met the actual "digger" and he was in Peru...

Oh yes!! that name you mentioned,...i just googled it and i found a lot of images of trilobites like mine! This is great! thanks!

PS: just read your new post, thanks for the correct name!! :)

Edited by Santiago
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Yes, it is 100% real. Here is ok website.

"It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of

intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living."

-Sir David Attenborough

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I have a few of those as well. A friend was working in the Bolivian capital and street kids were selling them for a buck. She brought me the two but was worried she had been ripped off as well. I said "For two bucks they would still be a great deal even if they were casts." This was maybe 10 years ago.

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Not trilobites but my fossils display, with 2 ammonites and one petrified wood. Hope you like them.

If anybody can ID the ammonites, that would be great too! I have more pics of them if you need.

By the way, yes, i made the wood case especially for them. Just with a carpenter, some wood paint, and a glass on top, retractible. They are "resting" in pieces of moquette. :)

Hola Santiago, that's a beautiful Trilo and I love your ammonites! :wub: Welcome to the forum from Alberta, Canada. :)
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To my knowledge nobody has made fakes from there. Just not the profit incentive places like Morocco and China have. It's real. Here is a large specimen (different sps)from Bolivia.


Be true to the reality you create.

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Those are beautiful Santiago! :wub: Ammonites are my favourites. It's nice to see somebody else from South America posting! :zoro:

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Those are beautiful Santiago! :wub: Ammonites are my favourites. It's nice to see somebody else from South America posting! :zoro:

Thanks! Glad you liked them. :)

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Thanks. Supposedly from Peru, with some chances of actually being from Bolivia though. But im more inclined to think they are from Peru.

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