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To Be Or Not To Be....


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So, I recently bought this on a whim from ebay for the paultry some of £5. Even before I bought it I didn't think it resembled any Bahariasaurus teeth I've seen for sale, I bought it anyway because of the low price just in case it either was correctly labeled (since most I've seen cost around £18) or in case it was something rarer...or more valuable ;)

So anyone here know if this is a tooth from a Bahariasaurus? If not anyone know what it's from?

Sadly the tip of the tooth got damaged during posting, it's easily repairable so for now I'm going to hold off asking for a refund for a day or two just in case the tooth had been misidentified and it is something a bit more valuable or rare ;)

If it is Baharisaurus then I'll go for a refund. :)

Thanks for your help in advance guyz n' galz :)

EDIT: Sorry bout the snarge picture, don't want to remove it from it's wrapping in case I decide to return it so your stuck with the sellers pic.


Edited by FF7_Yuffie
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Are you satisfied that it's a tooth? I can see no enamel, nor texture.

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I actually had my suspicians when buying it that it could be something different than a tooth. Was wondering if it could be a claw or maybe a fossiled digit or something. It didn't cost much so I figured it was worth the risk just in case it's something decent.

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Thanks for the help and stuff.

I went with getting a refund for it since it was damaged in posting and got one A.O.K. :)

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