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Uploading Pictures

Rob Russell

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Was wondering if somebody could explain to this illiterate carpenter what to do when trying to upload images and it tells me that my pictures are to big? There are to many pixels? What do I do?

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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try right-clicking on a picture filename, and then left click on "open with" and see what all applications show that you can open the file with. try opening it with each of those applications, beginning with the one that from its name seems like it'd be the one most like to be used to edit photos. once the file is open, use the "help" function at the top of the screen to search for how to "crop" the picture, and also how to "resize" or "scale" the picture. "cropping" is what you use to cut off everything from around the picture that you don't need to show us. that will make the file some smaller. then "resizing" or "scaling" it down will change the overall width and height of it. around 1000 pixels wide or tall (whichever dimension is bigger) should display ok here. on most applications, you can change one dimension and click on a button to make the other dimension automatically change in proportion to what you did with the first.

ok, that's almost all. finally, you select the "save as" selection under the "file" selection, and give the new cropped, scaled picture a name. don't save it over the original. just keep the original as it was. on some applications, when you are done giving it a name, (by the way, save it as a .jpg file) it may ask you how fine the quality on your saved .jpg file should be. what you will find is that you can crank down the quality quite a bit without having it really show in the saved picture. this creates a much smaller file that loads much more rapidly.

so that's three ways to make monster files smaller. good luck with it.

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Thank you guys for your responses and directing me to the Questions and Answers part of the Forum. It helped to figure out that I'm going to need some outside local tech support. Im just begining to scratch the surface of the wonderful world of computers.

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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Thank you guys for your responses and directing me to the Questions and Answers part of the Forum. It helped to figure out that I'm going to need some outside local tech support. Im just begining to scratch the surface of the wonderful world of computers.

i think you will be surprised what you can figure out on your own if you just start exploring all of your software by looking at everything on pulldown menus and mousing over stuff and seeing what text pops saying what it is, and reading stuff in the help screens. the way you become really knowledgeable about your computer is a little bit at a time each day...over time, you end up knowing a lot.

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i think you will be surprised what you can figure out on your own if you just start exploring all of your software by looking at everything on pulldown menus and mousing over stuff and seeing what text pops saying what it is, and reading stuff in the help screens. the way you become really knowledgeable about your computer is a little bit at a time each day...over time, you end up knowing a lot.

Thanks for the confidence! I got as far as getting a few pics into my gallery, but can't figure out why they won't enlarge when clicked on.?. Could it be that i shrunk the pixels too much? Not sure.?. Thanks again for your willingness to help! You're encouragement has given my gal and I an opportunity to learn these procedures. I hope in the future the favors may be returned.

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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Thanks for the confidence! I got as far as getting a few pics into my gallery, but can't figure out why they won't enlarge when clicked on.?. Could it be that i shrunk the pixels too much? Not sure.?. Thanks again for your willingness to help! You're encouragement has given my gal and I an opportunity to learn these procedures. I hope in the future the favors may be returned.

yeah, looks like the dimensions are 150 by 101. you shrunk 'em too much. again, try and resize the originals to where the biggest dimension is like 1000 pixels or less, but not way down to 150 pixels.

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