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Id Fossil Tooth


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I found this fossil tooth in a shallow creek bed in middle Tennessee. I am not very knowledgable about fossils but have always wondered what it came from. The two pics are a front and back photo.



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Well, it has a generally tooth-like shape, but the textures and rounded edges are interesting-rock-like.

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Here are some more pics. Like I said before it was found in an active creek bed and I always assumed it had been worn down by the water. Which would explain its smaller size and very smooth edges.




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Here are some more pics. Like I said before it was found in an active creek bed and I always assumed it had been worn down by the water. Which would explain its smaller size and very smooth edges.

It does appear to be just a rock worn smooth to a tooth-like shape. The broken part does not look like a pulp cavity.

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At first I thought it was a piece of water worn bone, but the new pictures look like a water worn rock

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Still an interesting rock. It would go in my "hey look at this" category. Don't give up though because there are fossils in TN. Keep looking.

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